Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hold Them Close; Give them Wings

Along with most parents, I'm thinking about the shootings that happened yesterday at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

As an American, I'm horrified about our gun control laws, and lack thereof.

As a compassionate person, I feel helpless.  What can I do to comfort the families who have lost a child, a sibling or a friend?  What can I do to repair a community?  What can I do to make these children feel safe at school again?

As a parent, I'm scared beyond belief.

When my daughter turned 1, I got my first tattoo.  It's of a star with butterfly wings.  My theory was that I gave birth to Star, and now I need to learn to give her wings.

But, yesterday, I wanted to do the opposite of give her wings.  I wanted to pick her up from school and snuggle safely at home until our world felt safe.

How do we keep our kids safe while at the same time not being overprotective?  How do we let then try things on their own so they can become independent and smart people?

Today, I feel like I only have questions, no answers.

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